Monday, January 7, 2008

Beauty Berry

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There's always color to be found in nature, even in winter. The stark background contrast adds to the color's brilliance.

My husband and I hiked a long trail of drab overgrowth before we happened upon this little beauty. I don't even know what it is, likely an overgrown weed of some kind. The effort it took us to find it was worth it. That's the way it is with most things of worth. They take effort to obtain, but the work pays off in the end.

Reading, studying, searching God's Word takes effort. The nuggets you dig out make it worth it, though. Are you having trouble hearing from God? Do you need solutions? Do you need encouragement? Dig in God's Word. If you have trouble comprehending it, ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your understanding as you read. Our Heavenly Father longs to show Himself to us in His Word.

Next week, there will be knitting pictures. I have some knitting fo's to post. It's nothing fancy or elaborate, but it will be knitting!
(edit to add-Thanks to poster Wool Winder's comment, I was able to title my picture. Thank you, Wool Winder!)


Tracy Batchelder said...

Pretty picture. You described it right when you called it a beauty, because I think it's Beauty Berry.

Renna said...

What a fitting name for it. I think I called it a flower, but yes, it clearly is a berry. Thank you for giving me it's name! :-)

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

That is a gorgeous picture! such a nice post.

Renna said...

Thank you, Marilyn. :-)