Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Goodies in the Mail

Aren't these pretty? For my non-knitting friends, they're stitchmarkers. You slip one over your knitting needle as a marker after a you knit a certain number of stitches, but I'm guessing you probably could figure that part out on your own.

These were handmade and sent to me by Ponyknit at if Ponies could knit. She was holding a contest to give away Malabrigo yarn. I didn't win the yarn, but I did win the stitchmarkers. Don't you love it when bloggers have runner-up prizes?

This is my very first set of stitchmarkers, other than the simple plastic o-rings I've bought inWal-Mart's craft department. Should I accidentally drop one of these on the floor, as I have a tendency to do with stitchmarkers, these will be a lot easier to see than those flimsy little plastic rings. I guess you can tell I'm proud of my prize.

Thank you, Ponyknit, you made my day! :-)

Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.

~I Corinthians 13:4 Amplified Bible

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Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

They are gorgeous!!! Since I am clueless, could you take a picture of them in use?

Unknown said...

Awesome! SO glad to make your day! Enjoy them. I know as soon as I started using pretty stitch markers I started appreciating them more.

Anonymous said...

What a nice suprise!

Sharon said...

whoot whoot whoot whoot!!! YEA!
Congratulations Renna! You're right, I have no clue about them, outside of what you just explained, but they blessed you and THAT'S GREAT!

MSM said...

Yeah, I second Amy; I haven't got a clue how you would use these......

Renna said...

I promise to post a picture soon for my non-knitter friends showing my stitch markers in action! ;-)

Tracy Batchelder said...

Love the color!

zakkalife said...

how fun that you won something, especially something that you can actually use


Anonymous said...

I would never have guessed what that was used for. Now that I know, I still can't picture HOW it's used. Looking forward to pictures and more education! :-)