Monday, October 13, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today...
Outside my Window... I am seeing the dwindling down of the Morning Glories. Before long, the view there will be drab. I'm thinking of planting Pansies this year. They bloom through the winter. I love their smiling faces, which always make me smile back.

I am thinking... about our ladies meeting at church tonight. Last week was enjoyable, though I do hope we can spend less time eating and more time meeting. I love the fellowship and sharing of our meal beforehand, but last week, we barely had time for a quick prayer at the end of our meeting, as some needed to go to pick up kids. I feel that prayer is such an important part of our time together.

From the learning rooms... eh...not so much going on there.

I am thankful for.... the two new (to me) burgundy leather recliners in my living room. My next door neighbors ordered new ones and asked if we knew anyone interested in buying their old ones. They aren't old, they just aren't new. They look great, and I know she paid mucho money for them new. She said she'd sell one for $75, and let the other one go for free. You just can't beat a deal like that! ;-)

From the kitchen... there is a queso dip with taco meat in it, ready to take to my ladies group tonight. I just need to stop and pick up a bag of dipping tortilla chips. I need to figure out what to leave here for dinner, though. I'm thinkin' somethin' simple.

I am wearing... my nightshirt and flipflops. I haven't even had my first cup of coffee or put in my contacts yet. My day is definitely out of order.

I am reading... eh...not so much. Does bathroom reading count?

I am hoping... I can sell the two small wingback chairs I had in my living room.

I am creating... dishcloths and hats with my knitting needles.

Around the house... I've been decluttering. It's an ongoing chore around here. I've always been such a packrat. I've either bought (mostly at thrift stores) or been given way too many things over the years that I've kept for "some day". I don't do that anymore. I have a hard and fast rule with myself now. If I can't use it now, or at least within the next season, or if I don't know someone else who needs it, it doesn't come home with me. The problem is, I have years and years accumulation of "stuff" that I got before I instituted that rule! Which reminds me of one of my favorite movie lines, from the Jerk.

"I don't care about losing all the money. It's losing all the stuff"

One of my favorite things... is apple crisp. Maybe I'll bake some today!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... to go through the antique buffet in my dining room, which is used for anything but a buffet table. It's a huge piece of furniture with three drawers across the top, and a cabinet on each side below. There are things stuffed back in those cabinets that have probably not seen the light of day in fifteen years. Disgraceful, I know. It's definitely time.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...of my little dog, Leyna. Bear with me, I don't show a fraction of the pictures of her that I'd like. I do realize not all people melt into puddles over cute pup pics the way I do. When my son and daughter were packing their overnight bags to go to 6-Flags last August, Leyna crawled into one of their bags. My son zipped it nearly closed and snapped this picture of her. I think she wanted to go to 6-Flags, too.

~Visit The Simple Woman's blog to see how you can participate in the weekly Daybook on your own blog. Click on The Simple Woman's Daybook icon in her sidebar for instructions.

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For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
~Jeremiah 29:11
The above scripture was spoken to me by a friend the day after I learned my late husband had drowned while scuba diving. I felt like I was drowning in despair, and truthfully, the scripture did not bring me great comfort at the time. However, she told me God gave her that Word for me. In the days, weeks, months, and years ahead, I did cling to that Word from God. I stood on it as His promise to me, and He kept good on His promise!


Claudia said...

I never knew about your husband. Oh, Renna, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I don't know how long ago that was but your life always seems very full to me. God bless you in all that you do. (and an apple crisp today sounds FABULOUS)


Anonymous said...

Um, I melt into puddles over cute puppies! She is so adorable!!!

Renna said...

Claudia, thank you. It was a very long time ago, another lifetime, it seems. My now 24yo daughter had just turned one year old at the time. My life is full. God restored to me what the enemy stole. I have a good husband with whom I'll celebrate a 20 year marriage next year!

Kim, thank you. We are having so much fun having a young and playful dog in the house, and she's just so doggone cute! ;-)

Karen said...

Renna, I can't imagine how difficult that was for you. I'm so glad you were blessed with a second chance at love in your life.

I planted some pansies last weekend, hoping they'll bring us color through the winter.

elizabeth said...

Oh I love it when you post pictures of Leyna! I've always been a big dog person, but my word she is the cutest thing this side of the Mississippi!!!

And I am so with you on the decluterring. Sometimes I look around and just feel so ashamed at myself. Of course they do say that Step 1 is admitting there is a problem, so maybe it will get better now. :)

Liz Harrell said...

Wow Renna. You are truly an inspiring woman. And show all the puppy pictures you want... I love them!

Nancy said...

Great buy on the recliners.

I hear you on working on the clutter. I have too much stuff and much of it never gets out of the closet/cabinet. Sometimes, I think I need someone to come in a purge my house of stuff. Sadly, I would probably fall back gathering things that I just have to have.

Carol said...

Love love LOVE the puppy pic. Too cute.

I hear ya on the decluttering. It does seem never ending but it still gives one the sense of accomplishment when you drop off a box at the local Goodwill even if your stuff might clutter up someone else's home. LOL

I adore pansies. Definitely go out and get yourself some. Today has been a bit dreary in North Texas.

Kelly said...

Let me know if you try the apple crisp recipe. It's great!!

Tracy Batchelder said...

How do we end up with so much stuff? I still need to tackle the bedroom closet, but I'm really dreading it.

Anonymous said...

Love your puppy pics-and love your blog. You always lift me up and help me remember to hold tight to my faith even when it doesn't seem to be working.

cinnamongirl93 said...

That is my life scripture! It is my very favorite word.
Loved your post. You scored on the chairs. I know what you mean by lots of stuff. I made myself a deal that every few months I would go through the junk piles and destash. So far so good.

Paula said...

I love hearing about your days! crisp... what time will it be taken out of the oven??? LOL (Jethro Fork)

And yes, bathroom reading DOES count.

Flower said...

Thank you for sharing so much of your life and the gratitude you experience! I love the dog pics...those of us who love our "babies"(human or animal) just wait for the day to post about them again and again!!

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