Saturday, July 5, 2008

Red, White & Blue ...and YELLOW?

Mr.Studley and I went to the local farmer's market this week for fresh fruit and veggies. A friend at church gave us a bag full of huge onions from his garden. Plus, Yankee Neighbor gave us a bag full of big tomatoes from his garden. I tell you, we've been eatin' gooood in the neighborhood!
Yankee Neighbor isn't a derogatory term. I have nothing against Yankees. Some of my relatives are Yanks. I can just never remember the guy's name. His northern accent really stands out among those of us with an east Texas twang to our talk. That, and the colorful expletives he often uses to pepper his speech. Sheesh! The guy could make a sailor blush. He is a nice guy, though, and he grows a great garden every year, and often shares the bounty with our family and others in the 'hood.
The "yellow meater" watermelon above, or rather what's left of it, was one Mr.Studley picked out at the farmer's market. Since I'd never eaten yellow watermelon before, he'd suggested last week that we should get one soon. Only he didn't call it a 'yellow watermelon', he referred to it as a 'yellow meater', or truth be told, it came out sounding more like "yella meater". I've been teasing him about that, assuring him no one calls them that. Lo and behold, as we were paying for our purchases at the market, the lady taking our money asked "you do know that's a yeller meater, don't you?".
I stand corrected.
That's my son flipping burgers for our cookout last night. The weiners were to follow. I love eating food that someone else cooks. I love eating food cooked outdoors because there's so little clean up involved in the kitchen. For that matter, I love food. I love eating. My mirror mocks me with that fact each time I look it's way. Stupid mirror.
While dinner was being cooked, I called my mom to get my dad's homemade ice-cream recipe. I'm sure I could've found one to use, but I wanted it to be his. I mixed it up, then Hubs froze it in the ice-cream maker. It turned out delicious, just like my dad's. As I was eating it last night, I thought about him and how much he'd enjoy being here partaking, which made me a bit sad. Then, it was as if I saw him sitting there in Heaven, eating a huge bowl of the stuff (and not having to worry about what it was doing to his blood sugar), and he tipped his bowl to me, as if to say "cheers". He was smiling and laughing and the image of it made me cry and smile all at the same time.
I know what the meaning behind July 4th is and I don't mean to take away from that at all. For me, at this age and stage of my life, it was about memories. All day long yesterday, I found myself looking back on various July 4th activities I spent as a child. I remember many summers that our family spent at the lake. My mom and dad made it such a fun time. Mom would fry up at least three or four chickens ahead of time, which she'd bring in the cooler along with a huge bowl of her potato salad. Oh, and there was her famous Coke-A-Cola cake. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.We'd have coolers of drinks, cold watermelons, ice-cream freezers full of ice-cream, and family and friends. It all just seemed ordinary to me as a kid. I didn't have a clue how much work my folks put into making those fun times happen. I guess that's because they didn't make it look like work. It was fun. Good family fun...which I thought would go on forever.

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Anonymous said...

I didn't know there was a such thing as a yellow watermelon. Do they taste the same as a red one?

Anonymous said...

You didn't take anything away from the Fourth-thats why we're thankful for those who founded our country-so that we could have wonderful memories like yours!

I've never eaten a yellow watermelon either. I see Jessica ask if it tastes the same does it?

cinnamongirl93 said...

I have always wanted to try a yellow watermellon! It looks great. Yum! BTW your shot is perfect!
You know that I am a Yankee right? I wonder if you would think my accent is too thick? I was always told that people from the Midwest don't really have an accent? I'm not sure. Anyway sounds like you have a great neighboor! That is a blessing!

Debra said...

I loved your 'vision' of your Dad because mine is in heaven too. The picture of the chair is great-you take excellent photos. I also loved reading your childhood memories, and could almost smell that fried chicken. Do you have the coke-a-cola cake recipe?
Thanks for your memories! Love, Debra

Farmhouse Blessings said...

I love yeller mellons! Mmmmm And your photo on that old chair is perfect!

Can you share that coca-cola cake recipe? Sounds so old fashioned and American.

Don't forget ~ never trust a mirror! LOL


Tracy Batchelder said...

Good family fun is the best! Looks like you've created the same kind of memories for your family.

I've never heard it called yellow meater either. I bet you nearly laughed out loud when the lady at the farmer's market said that. I can just imagine the told-you-so look your husband must have given you.

Dana said...

I've never had yellow watermelon but I may have to give it a try!

Paula said...

This made me laugh and cry. (Thanks for the eyeball washin'.)
I have to say, I'd never heard of a yellow meater. Humph.. learn something new every day!
I remember the 4th as being watermelons and homemade ice cream.... and family. I love to think about those times, but it always makes me cry, too.

sexy said...
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