Friday, May 2, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

I've only been blogging since the first of the year. In the beginning, my 100th post seemed eons away, and now I'm nearly there. I've been working on a 100 things post to bore you about me list. It hasn't been easy trying to make my life sound interesting.

This week, Laurie, at For Heaven's Sake, tagged me with a mini-meme. Seems I have to come up with six things about myself that you might not know. I guess it's a good warm-up for my 100 things post, so I will good naturedly oblige.

  • 1) I have been painfully shy all my life. I'm less so now. Social situations are still very awkward for me, though. I never know what to say. I am getting better, though. It seems the deeper my relationship with God grows, and the more like Him I become, the more confidence I gain.
  • 2) I nearly drowned when I was 5 years old. My brother, not even 8 years old, saw my hair floating at the pond's surface, and swam over and saved me. My life would have ended that day if not for my brother.
  • 3) I grew up terrified of the dark. I slept with my head under the covers until I married at 19. I still don't like being home alone at night, but the terror is no longer there. God's angels are encamped around about me. They were then, too, I just didn't know it then.

  • 4)My vision is very, very bad. If I had to wear glasses, even with the modern advancements made with the featherlight lenses, mine would be thick as Coke bottle bottoms. I guess that may not mean much to some of you youngin's who've grown up drinking your soft drinks from a can, and not a glass bottle. Thank God for contact lenses!

  • 5) I survived a tornado when I was about 3 years old. It didn't hit our house, but it demolished everything around us. I remember my mom putting me under the mattress of our daybed. I'm sure I remember her putting a straw in my mouth that protruded out of the edge of the mattress so I could breathe. Mom insists that didn't happen (the straw). Maybe as I was struggling to breath under that mattress, I was thinking what a good idea a really long straw would be.

  • 6) I once had both legs run over by a car. It was my dad. He even stopped the car and got out when he heard me screaming, while the car was parked on my legs. There seems to be a negative theme going here. I don't think I sound very interesting, but I do sound like someone blessed to be alive.

  • I was also broadsided by a large gravel truck loaded with gravel (I know I already hit # 6, but I'm on a roll now, so bear with me!). I was 16 and the ink was barely dry on my new drivers license. My parents Ford LTD (also new) was not quite totalled, much to my parents dismay. I was unhurt.

  • Once when my kids were small, I was driving us back to Dallas where we lived at the time, in my little Ford Escort. It was a dark stretch of highway with frequent little side roads. Out of the blue, a pick-up came barreling onto the highway from one of those roads. I had no time to stop. I hollered for the Lord to help us and I hit my brakes. I knew we were going to plow into the side of him. At 55 mph, we wouldn't have stood much chance. Miraculously, we only clipped his back bumper (he kept going!). Our car spun completely around and landed in a sandy side ditch. No damage, except to my nerves! Nikki in her carseat, never even woke. I think her older brother may have peed his pants, though.

  • Last one, I promise. I know I'm stretching the rules. Hubby and Nikki (dd) and I were traveling back from Colorado one fall, driving on a two lane highway. I think we were in New Mexico at the time. About the same time, Hubby (who was driving) and I saw that a pickup pulling a trailer was coming toward us in our lane. That driver had failed to navigate how much time he had to pass the pickup pulling a trailer in the other lane.
  • My instinct, had I been driving (and thank God I wasn't), would have been to pull off to our right side of the road. Hubby grit his teeth and held his ground. Praise God, he did, for the man in our lane pulled to his left to avoid hitting us. We drove right down the middle of the two trucks and trailers. We then pulled off the road to get clean underwear out of our luggage.

If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!


Tracy Batchelder said...

I think you've had more close calls than anyone I know!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Renna! You are blessed to be alive!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Renna, this is quite a list! I would have never guessed that you were shy! I am too. That is the neat thing about blogging---we can be a little more "ourselves" without the pressure of people around. It has even helped me socially because i realize that I do have worthwhile things to say!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I am stopping to thank God for sparing your life all of those times. You have been such a rich blessing in my life...

MSM said...

You are going to think I'm making this up: I have a draft post that talks about how shy I am/was and how the kids took after me . . . I used to wear (b/4 contacts) the coke-bottle glasses (legally blind), and I used to have a Ford Escort!!

HOWEVER, I've not experienced those scary, scary close calls while driving. My worst was hitting a patch of ice, spinning and going off the road, but no one, even the car, was hurt. Since I know how terrifying that was, I am proud of you for even getting in a car after your close calls!

And the tornado, and being run over, my goodness.

God really is holding our hands, isn't He?

I'm very happy you're here and blogging, you're a sweet blessing and inspiration!!

Laurie said...

Renna, you have been such a blessing in my life. I am so thankful that God's plan was to bring you through those close calls!

Anonymous said...

You have lived through some miracles-really-WOW! Talk about close calls.

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

My word, girl! I knew several of those things, but not all of them! Wow, you've had a very interesting life. I think your 100 list will be neat!

I'm so happy that the Lord watched over you!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Wow!!!! Sounds like God really has a purpose for your life and NOTHING is going to stop that, is it!!!! I loved reading your list today!!! And thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sharon said...

Good Grief Renna!!!
The devil really hates us, and THANK GOD that His protection has been over you for ALL of your life! AND YOUR CHILDREN! Hallelujah!!!!

zakkalife said...

I think this list is a testament to what a strong person you must be. I also agree with what everyone wrote above. :)


Noodle said...

Good heavens! You have a purpose here! You must, escaping all of those close calls!

cinnamongirl93 said...

I am speechless! God has a great and mighty plan for your life. The devil has been trying to snuff you out for a long time. Isn't awesome how the Lord carried you through each and ever one?! Faith!

Amy said...

Whew! So many close calls - you certainly kept your guardian angel busy!!!

Seriously, those who have been blessed by you and keenly aware of what God had planned for you...and I'm grateful.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! The Lord certainly has protected you over the years, hasn't He! Wow!

Girl Raised in the South said...

Good grief! Honestly, thats all I can say, good grief!