Outside my Window...someone needs to do some raking. Miiiiisssttteerr Stuuuddllleeyyy!
I am thinking...about the election, about our camping trip this week, about my mom, who was in horrible pain when we saw her on Sunday, and has been ever since her shoulder surgery weeks ago.
From the learning rooms...I am learning how easy it is to slip into a habit of fault-finding and complaining. Not such a good thing to learn, I know.
I am thankful for....my son, who has been cooking us Sunday evening dinner for the past several weeks. Last night was fajitas (beef & chicken!), and they were superb!
From the kitchen...well, I keep waiting for the maid to announce that Cook has a meal ready to eat, but silence...nothing but silence. You just can't get good help these days.
I am wearing...my uniform, tee and capris. Maybe someday I'll put on an evening gown, just so this line can be something different for a change. Of course, in order to do that, I'd have to own an evening gown.
I am reading...my favorite blogs. I don't seem to have time for anything else, so you guys better write some intelligent stuff if you want me to advance my mind!
I am hoping...I can keep on track in my head and get everything done for our trip (sounds like a broken record from last week's Monday post!).
I am creating... a Special Olympics Scarf for charity with my knitting needles.
I am hearing...the jingle of Leyna's tags as she runs through the house. We take her collar off to bathe her, and we've learned it's best to get it back on quickly. Without the jingle of her tags, it's a little too easy for her to get into undetected mischief.
Around the house...are piles of things which need to go to the travel trailer.
One of my favorite things...is walking the dogs in the evening with Mr. Studley. I have an invalid neighbor who can no longer walk her dog, Pepper, so I walk Pepper, and Mr.S walks Leyna. We generally go about ten at night. Lately the sky has been inky black, lit up with stars that look like tiny fairy lights strung across the sky. We talk about what's going on in our lives, our kid's lives, our church, and our country. There is no tv, computer, or telephone to distract us from sharing with each other what's on our minds.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... is to finish packing the kitchen stuff in the trailer, pay a few bills, finish the laundry, and clean out the fridge before we leave town. With Nikki grown and moved away, and our homeschooling days being through, I can no longer claim the dishes of geen hairy looking foods are science projects.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...that Nikki's (dd) boyfriend sent me. He snapped this while they were on a walk about Harrogate (England) where they are now living. I found it funny for some reason, and I don't mean that in any sort of disrespectful way toward the elderly, as I am not that far off from being one. I guess it's just because I've never seen a sign like this in the states. Maybe the US isn't as concerned about their elderly having safe crossing as England is? I dunno. It just made me chuckle. I guess J found it funny, too, since he took the time to take a picture of it and send it to me.

~Visit The Simple Woman's blog to see how you can participate in the weekly Daybook on your own blog. Click on The Simple Woman's Daybook icon in her sidebar for instructions.

Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
~Romans 8:27 NKJV
I always love your post on Monday. You have a way with words that I always enjoy!
The picture was wild! Can you imagine a sign like that in your neigborhood?
My kids would love to come rake your leaves! Aubry and Josiah say they wish they could rake a huge pile (but our trees are too small!) every time they see a yard covered with fallen leaves. I know their excitement stems from not having that---leaf raking isn't as fun when it is in your own yard!
Your evening walks sound so soothing: a good time to recap the day's events and to connect with your husband. It is wonderful that you walk your neighbor's dog for her.
Have fun on your trip.
I love your Daybook posts... I can imagine hearing Lenya's bell jingling through your house.
I need to clean out my fridge, too... in fact, I need to clean my whole house. Nothing has been done around here in a week. My first job is to attempt to conquer Mt Washmore in my laundry room.
Cute sign- too bad we don't have them here...!
That sign is like our children at play sign. I wonder if it's posted near an assisted care facility or some place like that?
Loved this post, Renna. Some of your thoughts made me laugh out loud. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind comments!
Love the elderly people sign!
Hope your camping trip is a good one. :)
Love this post. What a great way to center yourself and get your thoughts and ideas down for the coming days :)
What a great time of year to go camping! The bugs are down, crowds are gone, crisp fall days with cool nights to snuggle in a sleeping bag. Sounds like fun!
The raking never ends around here! We rake and the wind brings more over!
Love the elderly sign. I need one of those.
You have a very, very busy schedule. Wish I were as energetic!
Tea and Joansie, some days I think I need that elderly sign in my yard! ;-Þ
Shannon, yes, fall is our favorite time to camp. As to snuggling in sleeping bags, I'm afraid we don't quite rough it that much. I think I'm roughing it if I forgot to pack the electric heated mattress pad for the bed in the trailer!
I love that picture, too! I need one of those in our neighborhood so the kids driving at breakneck speed don't kill me as I hobble across the street! :)
You don't need an evening gown. I'm dressed the same all the time, too. We're home. We need to be comfy.
'nuff said, my dear. *hugs*
I agree about being comfy, Claudia. I just get tired of saying the same thing each Monday, under "what I am wearing..". ;-Þ
I'm a cotton girl, through and through. Unless I'm needing to dress up for a special occasion, I rarely wear anything but cotton, even to church. Cotton, it does a body good! ;-)
Renna, I LIKE your style of camping. UMMMMMM the electric mattress warmer is one of MY favorites in our home during the cold months.
I'm not going to have the leaves raked until they've all fallen....if I can stand it that long....that will surely wait until you return from your trip, unless your son will graciously do that job for you! :) HOW KIND of him to be cooking for you and Mike on Sundays! Woooo HOOOOO! LOVE IT, He's MY kind of fellow! :)
Yes, cotton really DOES do a body good.
Just found your blog today and really enjoyed reading your Daybook. It's wonderful that you look our for your neighbor and help care for her dog. So many elderly and disbale are neglected nowadays.
Renna, I have to agree with everyone else, your daybook, as usual, is delightful, funny, real, and such a joy to read! We're holding our breath for the election here, and I'm glad to say we're getting away even if it is for business tomorrow through the week's end. I pray you have a wonderful camping trip!!
Hugs, Carolyn
I'm excited for you for your camping trip. Can't wait to hear all about it. Our best vacations have been in our camper.
Great sign, and as usual I thoroughly enjoyed your Daybook!
I enjoyed today's update. The sign made me smile too. I have a suggestion. Next daybook, strip off all your clothes before you start and you'll definitely have something else to write on that line. HAHAHA Enjoy your trip! I'm assuming you won't be posting or will you? If not, you will be missed.
ROTFLOL!!! I'm cracking up at your comment, Carol, and I just might take you up on your suggestion! ;-Þ
I won't be computing while we're gone. We leave Thursday morning and will be gone for a week. No posting from me during that time.
Had plenty to say until I saw that picture; that is so funny to me that I might ask for it to be my blog header!! LOL
I love the sign!!! How funny!!! I remember when I first moved to Florida I saw a sign that had an alligator on it....for alligator crossing! Just because it was new to me, I found it funny, I guess.
Very fun post to read, I love that you and your DH walk every night, such a nice way to end a day, and I just checked out the Knitting for Peace and copied down some places I can send knitting to - I love that I can build on the skill but send the products away to someone who will be blessed by them.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who found that sign funny. ;-Þ
I've never seen a sign like that before. We could use those signs here too.
I'll be praying for your mom! You entertained me throughout this post. LOL!
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