My eldest stepdaughter and her sixteen year old daughter are avid Letterboxers. They've been doing it for a few years now and have an impressive number of stamps in their logbooks. We met up with my stepdaughter's family (her, her husband, and their two youngest kids) on our recent camping trip to Petit Jean Sate Park in Arkansas. They live in nearby Little Rock, and drove up to join us for two days and a night. Melissa, my stepdaughter, had decided it was high time that her dad and I take up the hobby of Letterboxing, since we travel around a bit with our RV. She'd brought us each our own stamps to use. Mine was a flower, and her dad's was a set of footprints, since "he's always on the go". I thought his was quite fitting, for it's quite true about Mr.Studley. The man can't sit still. We all set out on that Sunday afternoon for a day of hiking, sightseeing, and Letterboxing. After visiting the Davies Rock Bridge, we hiked along Cedar Creek. Melissa had printed off clues for a Letterbox that was supposed to be hidden beside the creek, not far from the bridge. This was my first Letterbox hunt, and I was pumped. Melissa's enthusiasm for the hobby was contageous.
One of the clues, the paint mark on the above tree, left of the hiking trail. Oh, boy, we're getting warm.
An iron grate by some large rocks, to the right of the trail. Bingo! The Letterbox should be beneath the grate.
The fam raising the grate. That's Mr.Studley on the right, wearing his Army National Guard Wind Suit. It reads "ARNG" across the back. I harass him when he wears it by calling him "Arng", spoken with a hard G (as in, goat), so it comes out sounding like Arn-guh. He loves when I do that-NOT.
After much digging around in the earth, mostly by Melissa (at left in picture up above), this was the result of our search. As you can see, it is not a Letterbox. It is a snake egg. Gasp! My first Letterboxing expedition was not fruitful, at least not in the sense that we located a Letterbox. Melissa was concerned I'd be let down, but I really wasn't disheartened. I know there will be other opportunities to find more Letterboxes that will be in place. Though we didn't find a prize at th end, the hunt was a reward in itself. It was a fun time spent with family members we see far too infrequently, soaking in the beauty of God's creation. And thankfully, no one was snakebitten!So, how about you? Do you, or does anyone you know, go Letterboxing? I'd love to hear your comments on the subject! edit to add:Letterboxing, not to be confused with Geocaching, doesn't require the use of a new-fangled, high-tech gps, of which I are too poor to own. ;-Þ
And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name. ~Isaiah 45:3 Amplified Bible
Oooooooooo. I am so glad you did not get discouraged. Yes, we love letterboxes. There are not many in our area, but we hope to plant some come spring. It is almost as fun to plant clues as to find them... coming up with clues and finding the perfect spot.
I hope your next hunt will be successful... and loads of fun.
lambofHisflock aka seanda
Hi Seanda! Thanks for your comment!
I also think planting boxes sounds like a fun thing to do. There are supposed to be two in our small town. My stepdd found one of them when she last visited, but couldn't locate the second one.
I always loved treasure hunts as a child. :-D
I've never heard of family does something called sounds kind of like the same thing...sorta
I was going to ask if this is like geocaching, but nikkicrumpet already asked that. One of the ladies in my support group enjoying geocaching with her husband and grandchildren.
I did go back and add a little footnote at the bottom of my post, clarifying the difference between Letterboxing and Geocaching. Geocaching is a similar treasure hunt, but with the use of a GPS. You can click on the links in my post to read about the two, if curious.
If I had a GPS, which I don't, I'd probably be wanting to try geocaching. :-)
I have never heard of Letterboxing? It sounds interesting. I will have to investigate this!
Sounds like you all had a great time. Lots of great memories.
And I've never heard of this either. How could I have missed this? I know I don't get out and about very often... I was born in Little Rock!
I was wondering if Letterboxing was still around...will have to do a bit of googling to read more about it.
I have never heard about this subject of letterboxing. I've never read about it, seen it, smelled it, or heard it in a song. I had NO idea what in the world you were talking about, and even after reading, I'm trying to get my pea-brain around it! I would have never known about this, Renna, if it hadn't been for you! I feel so out of the out of the box...the letterbox, that is.
never heard of wither of them but does sound like great fun! Also I want to thank you for your sweet encouragement and kind words on my blog! That means a geat deal that you enjoy visiting! Blogging is such fun in meeting such wonderful folks! Thanks so much for visiting with me today!
That sounds like something we'd enjoy very much. We love hiking through trails.
And thanks for commiserating with me on my plumbing fiasco. Those gloves were a hoot. And you know ... it's only money :)
I've heard of it, but haven't tried it. It does sound fun! Sorry you didn't find the box.
My friend shared letterboxing and geocaching with me. I love to watch her kids seek them out! I tried once on my own but after wandering in a circle for about a half an hour hubby made me move along... Some of them are really hard to find! But, so rewarding to find them!
Sounds like fun, I've read of it on another blog. I still don't really understand it though.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the kind comments.
Never heard of it--still don't know what you were looking for. we have done scavenger hunts and treasure map hunts. any thing like that?
glad it was too cold for the actual snakes to be out.
How nice to share a day with those you love! I've never heard of letterboxing. I'm going to have to read up on it.
We've done the geocaching thing! It's loads of fun, but I have always hoped that letterboxing would catch on down here - I covet the stamps.
Letterboxing and geocaching are so much fun!!! I have done it with my grandkids.
I didn't know about letterboxing, but now I see where geocaching came from.
I've been wanting to give letterboxing a try-now I do even more!
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