For today...Outside my Window... I'm still seeing a lot of green, though there are some leaves collecting on the ground beneath the huge oak tree. A squirrel is racing across the top of our wooden privacy fence. Leyna is watching from the futon in the sunroom, irked and perplexed as to why I won't let her out there.
I am thinking... we leave for our camping trip in one week, and I have much to get done. Lists, shopping, more lists, packing, and more lists to be made. As many times as we've done this, camping in our 5th wheel, we still
inevitably forget something.
From the learning rooms... let's just say, someone somewhere is learning something...it's just not here!
I am thankful for.... the beautiful weather we've been having. It's such a pleasure to be outdoors. We spent all of Saturday outdoors at our town's annual Pumpkin Festival, and the weather could not have been more perfect than it was.
From the kitchen... leftovers from a delicious cranberried pork roast I cooked in the crockpot on Saturday. I'm shredding the remains for sandwhiches. I got the recipe from Karen, at
Over the Back Yard Fence. She mentioned it in a previous Simple Woman's Daybook post, and shared the recipe with me in an e-mail when I expressed an interest. Thanks, Karen! :-)
I am wearing... a t-shirt and capris, my 'uniform' until the weather turns cold.
I am reading... I'm in a slump. I need new books. I hate borrowing from the library. I'm
such a procrastinator, and the library is on the opposite side of town from me. I always end up taking books back late. I am not allowing myself to check out anything else until I can improve this area of my character.
I am hoping... I hesitate to say, as it may sound selfish. I'm hoping our ladies group meeting at church tonight goes the way I want it to. Hmm...seeing that in print, it
does sound selfish.
We each bring food to share, from a fast food joint, or from our kitchens. The plan is to then eat and fellowship for a half hour before getting to our meeting which ends with prayer....but it seems our food and fellowship time inevitably drags out until some have to leave before we get to a meeting or prayer. I want us to have the fellowship time, I
do know it's important, but yet I would like a balance of fellowship, meeting, and prayer. I need to spend time in prayer about this. both that the Holy Spirit will lead our meeting, and that
I will be submissive in my heart
to His leading.
I am creating... I haven't picked up my needles in a week. I need to get back to my Christmas knitting!
I am hearing... a call to prayer and intercession.
Around the house... are too many dustbunnies, which breed faster than real bunnies!
One of my favorite things...is the phone calls from my daughter. At twenty-four, she's finally going to college, yea! Her first class begins in a couple of weeks. She'll be going all day Saturday and Sunday for about a month. That's after working all day Monday through Friday. I
hope pray she is able to stay healthy and strong, as she tends to get sick when she burns the candle at both ends. She's really excited about the course. She's also scouring the internet to determine a plan of action for online courses toward a child development degree. She found she cannot get the necessary classes for
it through the campus on base. The classes she'll be taking
there will be toward a business and management degree. She already has a bad cold, something the other daycare workers informed her comes standard with the job. I'm praying over her!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... After I finish making my shopping lists, I need to go to Big Lots this week. We get a lot of our non-perishable foods there much cheaper than at the grocery store. I also need to pick up supplies at the Dollar General, as
well as at the grocery store. I need to check the weather forecast for the area of Arkansas where we'll be camping to determine the type clothing to pack in the trailer. Mr.Studley does all his own packing.
I've not yet made it to the vet with Leyna to get her nails trimmed, so that's on the agenda. We'd do it ourselves, but she turns into a little piranha whenever we try. It is
not a pleasant experience! I've been wondering if that Peticure product advertised on tv is any good. It works like a Dremmel tool to file down the pet's nails. Mabye a Dremmel tool is what I should consider?
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you... This cute little tyke was turned and watching Leyna, our Min Pin who we took to the Pumpkin Festival with us. I thought the child looked so cute that I grabbed my camera. When his mom saw me focusing for a picture, she had him (her?) turn toward me. When he saw me, or more specifically my camera, he broke into that huge smile and waved. He's obviously not at all camera shy! Isn't he a cutie?
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For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.
~Hebrews 4:12 Amplified Bible